Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Are You a Voice?

This blog is not just for us, but for all the voices in the wilderness out there. We never believed that God's truth was meant to be a one man show. We would like to hear what God has shared with you. If you are a voice and would like to have your article published on our blog, then please read the guidelines below.

1. We are Bible believing Christians who hold the Word in higher authority over man, tradition, doctrine and religion.

2. We quote from the King James Bible for the English translation.

3. Make sure that your article belongs to you or that you have permission to post someone else's article for copyright purposes.

4. Email us your article at
(Note: We hold the right to approve or deny articles for submission.)

5. Your article will be signed as "A Voice in the Wilderness" for we believe God holds the credit for all His truth and that we should not take the glory for it.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.

A Voice in the Wilderness

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Sitka has an award for you at All Gods Creatures.


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